Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh yeah, It was my Birthday Last Week

Yes, it was my birthday last week.  Thanks to all the people on facebook that said "Happy Birthday."  Growing up, birthdays were a HUGE deal in our house thanks to my mom.  For her, a birthday was a great excuse to have a party and celebrate.  I still make a pretty big deal about my birthday.  In fact, I refer to April as the "birthday month" because I like to acknowledge that my birthday (April 13) is about to occur, is occurring or recently occurred throughout the entire month.  However, no party this year.  Yea, I know.  Boo-hoo.  I just couldn't get worked up to inviting people over and making a big deal about it.  I had my husband take me out to a nice dinner instead and got a spa gift certificate.  A few friends took me out to lunch this week, too.  In case anyone is wondering how old I am now, the answer is (drumroll), thirty-friggin-seven.  The cartoon below sums up how I feel this year about turning 37:

Scary that I am getting so close to 40 because I do not remotely feel like a 40 year old woman (okay, technically I am not 40 but I am closer to 40 than 30 now so let's not split hairs).  I feel like I should still be in my 20's!  That being said, I am pretty lucky that I seem to be aging well.  At least, I think I am.  People who don't know me are frequently surprised when I tell them how old I am b/c they think I am in my early 30's.  I've even had a few people recently think I was in my late-20's, including some guy in Austin that was trying to pick me up when my husband stepped away.  I was almost tempted to run away with him just because he thought I was 27 or 28 but then thought better of it. 

My biggest anti-aging secret is no sun.  Avoid the sun at all costs.  I love beach vacations but I wear a big hat, over 50 SPF and stay in the shade most of the time (like an old lady, yes).  I also use good moisturizers.  Highly recommend Aveda Hydrating Cremes.  The sun is the enemy to good skin.  I like a tan which is why I will just go get a nice spray tan if I really want one.

Aveda, I love you.  Please protect me.
 My husband's birthday is April 28 and he will also be 37.  Hard to believe but he is actually already starting to get a few grey hairs.  So scary!  If that keeps up then pretty soon he will look like the creepy old guy with the hot, younger wife.  I can live with that. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ode to the Caribbean

I love the Caribbean.  We just returned from 10 days in the Virgin Islands - 3 days on St. Thomas (USVI) and 7 days on Jost Van Dyke (BVI). It truly is paradise there, with a few issues and annoyances.  We always fly into St. Thomas and stay at a rented condo on Sapphire Beach for the first 3 nights before taking a ferry to the small island of Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands where we stay at The Sandcastle Hotel. 

Steve taking a photo from St. Thomas condo

View from St. Thomas condo
 St. Thomas is a major cruise ship destination so it's a rather busy, well-developed island with lots of duty free shopping and nice restaurants and a population of about 60,000 people .  Jost, by contrast, is super tiny and boasts about 300 permanent residents and is nicknamed "the barefoot island" b/c you literally do not need to wear shoes anywhere, which is 100% true.  You'll find no high end restaurants on Jost but you will find plenty of lobster shacks and casual beach bars. Jost has a definite laid-back, get ur drink on vibe.  Best sign we saw on Jost was at Corsair's restaurant, which read "Three Things I Don't Like:  Hot Beer, Cold Women, Assholes."  How true.

Lobster Fest on Jost
 Our days in the Caribbean are pretty seamless and we get on "island time" very quickly.  We usually sleep in until 8:30 or 9am each morning, head to the beach for some reading, maybe go on a hike or walk, lunch, a swim in clear, sapphire gin colored water, a nap, afternoon cocktails, dinner and more cocktails.  It's a pretty good life while it lasts.

Smith Bay - St. Thomas

Sunset on White Bay - Jost

Of course,  even paradise isn't perfect.  A few observations I made during this trip:

  1. I hate bugs.  I especially hate microscopic, flying, blood-loving, biting bugs.  That beautiful sugar white sand you see being gently lapped by blue water?  It's filled with demonic blood-suckers called "no-see-ums."  Guess what?  You can't see them but rest assured that they can see you. They love to feed at night when you are distracted by the rum cocktail you're drinking.  Also, apparently my left upper thigh is much tastier than my right upper thigh.  Who knew?  They knew because they destroyed my upper left thigh.  It currently looks like it has a bad case of the chicken pox right now.  Very attractive in a bathing suit, too.
  2. It's okay to pee anywhere.  Well, for the men at least.  While sitting at a red light on St. Thomas at a very busy intersection, we watched a rather large islander whip it out and just start peeing on the side of the road. Wow.  I hope he felt a profound sense of freedom in doing that.
  3. After 3 days in the Caribbean, I am convinced that 50% of my body weight becomes Cruzan Rum.  I'm not much of a hard liquor drinker but add some fruit juice and an umbrella spearing a pineapple chunk and I am sold.  I had a particularly vicious planter's punch on St. Thomas that knocked me on my ass one night.  It's amazing how smooth it goes down though.
  4. Getting a pedicure is pointless if you are coming to the beach.  I got a nice pedi before coming to the islands since I knew I would be in sandals or barefoot the whole time and my feet looked like dragon claws. By Day 4, the pedicure was gone.  I think the combination of bug spray, sand, salt water and suntan lotion form a new chemical compound which is the equivalent of nail polish remover.  So, pedi was a major waste of $40.
  5. The people of the islands are what really keep us coming back.  Unfortunately, it seems that every douchebag with a powerboat and stereo system has discovered White Bay Beach on Jost where we stay.  A few years ago, it used to be fairly quiet and lowkey with sail boats coming in during the day but leaving around 4pm.  Now, you can expect 50+ powerboats that pull right up to the beach, moor together and start blaring techno club music and subject you to their "look at how geechy I can be on my expensive boat" show.  That being said, we keep coming back to Jost and The Sandcastle b/c of the amazing staff.  They always take great care of us and we think of them as our Caribbean family when we're there.

Me with the girls - Sana and Shaneek

Caught him!  Steve hugging Sana goodbye

The Caribbean is what you make it.  Some people are not big fans of it b/c they can't get on island time, hate the slow service and the "whatever, mon" attitude of the people that live there.  Sure, there are times I get annoyed while there but then I take another sip of my painkiller drink and move on. We will miss the beach, the humidity, the sun and our friends at The Sandcastle until next year.

Me at top of Jost on Ridge Hike

White Bay - morning of our last day

White Bay at Sunset

Dear Texas Rangers

Dear Texas Rangers,

You suck.  Why do you have to be so good these past few years?  Do you have any idea what I have to deal with for the next several months?  We have only one TV in our house.  This means that I have to forego watching House Hunters International, the Travel Channel and the Food Network each evening so my husband can watch you play.  I will be ignored, put aside and alone for most of the summer thanks to you.  How can you be so selfish?  Don't you have any remorse for being such a homewrecker?

I have tried the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach and have bought tickets to several of your games so my husband and I can watch you together at The Ballpark.  I hoped that you might bring us closer but that is not the case.  When we go to the game, he actually wants to watch the game rather than talk to me and fetch me light beer.  I have feigned interest in watching you.  In fact, I even kind of enjoy going to the games since I can get a turkey leg and some kettle corn and the nice beer man will come to me with ice cold frothy beverages. However, watching you on TV is worse than watching Celtic Thunder perform on PBS. Okay, I exaggerate.  Nothing is worse than Celtic Thunder on PBS. 

Texas Rangers, I implore you to stop your evil ways and to leave me alone.  Do you hear my plea?


Baseball Widow