Dear Texas Rangers,
You suck. Why do you have to be so good these past few years? Do you have any idea what I have to deal with for the next several months? We have only one TV in our house. This means that I have to forego watching House Hunters International, the Travel Channel and the Food Network each evening so my husband can watch you play. I will be ignored, put aside and alone for most of the summer thanks to you. How can you be so selfish? Don't you have any remorse for being such a homewrecker?
I have tried the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach and have bought tickets to several of your games so my husband and I can watch you together at The Ballpark. I hoped that you might bring us closer but that is not the case. When we go to the game, he actually wants to watch the game rather than talk to me and fetch me light beer. I have feigned interest in watching you. In fact, I even kind of enjoy going to the games since I can get a turkey leg and some kettle corn and the nice beer man will come to me with ice cold frothy beverages. However, watching you on TV is worse than watching Celtic Thunder perform on PBS. Okay, I exaggerate. Nothing is worse than Celtic Thunder on PBS.
Texas Rangers, I implore you to stop your evil ways and to leave me alone. Do you hear my plea?
Baseball Widow
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