Thursday, May 3, 2012

10 Year Wedding Anniversary and Cabo San Lucas

Next Friday, May 11, 2012, is the 10-year wedding anniversary for me and Stephen.  I am not the soppy romantic sort (and Lord knows Steve is not either) but I have to say that it has been a wonderful, fabulous, amazing, fun-filled ten years.  Getting married to Steve was the best life decision I ever made and I know that I am very, very lucky to have him as my husband and partner.  Mostly because I am pretty sure there aren't any other men out there who would put up with my big mouth for this long.

Not bad after 10 years

Normally, we celebrate our anniversary with a nice dinner, a card and maybe a small gift.  This year we decided that the Big Ten-O deserved a little more so we are packing our bags for a 3-day weekend trip to Cabo San Lucas.  I chose Las Ventanas al Paraiso because I have heard amazing things about this hotel, the level of service and the amenities.  I would never pick a place this fancy and expensive but this is a splurge trip (frankly, we can't afford to stay there more than 3 days - this place will bleed you dry).  For the price, I have high expectations for this hotel but the photos make it look incredible.

View of Las Ventanas

LVP Spa - Will be getting a massage on Friday
We've booked an ocean front suite (well, all rooms at LVP are suites but we're paying more for "ocean front") and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a free upgrade to an even better room since I have told the hotel staff it's our 10-year anniversary about 30x already.  In my mind, the 10-year anniversary should trump honeymooners.  Hey, I have put in the hours and the blood, sweat and tears whereas they have not, so step aside lovebirds and let me have the upgrade.  With my luck, there will be a convention of "25-Year Anniversary" celebrators and I'll be screwed.  Oh well.  If our ocean front room looks anything like the pictures, I will be thrilled.

Yes!  Bring it on, Mexico.
I also started thinking about gifts for the 10-year anniversary.  I looked up the "traditional" vs. "contemporary" wedding anniversary gifts online and here is what I found (per

Traditional 10 year Wedding Gift:  Tin or Aluminum. The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken.
My response to the above?  Bullshit.  If my husband gave me some aluminum foil and told me that it represented the durability of our marriage, I would wad it up and throw it at him.  Sounds like a man came up with this gift idea.  "Uhhh...shit, I forgot our anniversary.  Honey, here's some foil."

Don't even think about it

Contemporary 10 Year Gift: Diamonds. A marriage that lasts ten years is as durable and beautiful as a diamond.
My response?  Hells to the yeah on this one.  Bring on the bling.  My new theory is that men came up with the traditional wedding gift list (seriously, paper, wool and cotton as gift ideas?) and women updated the list.

Yes, please.

I have hinted around at a few gift ideas, including a new watch or a nice necklace but I have no idea what I'll get so I will have to post after we get back next week. Of course, just spending time with my husband will be gift enough (okay, stop laughing...if you know me, then I know you're laughing at the immediately preceding sentence).  In all seriousness, though, I am grateful that I have Steve in my life and we have reached this milestone. Besides, he's kind of cute, too.

Steve in Spain
Steve in New Orleans with just your average guy
in a gold bikini top checking out the weather channel behind him
Good times.

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