Monday, November 19, 2012

Weight Control - Why it Still Sucks

Two years ago I lost 30 lbs.  I did it the old fashioned way.  No fad diets, no Jenny Craig or NutriSystem programs, no pills and no surgery.  Not that I have anything against Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or any other number of programs that clearly work for thousands of other people.  It just wasn't for me.  The only thing I did was start working out, keep working out and cut calories.  Yes, I kept an online calorie/food log.  I joined a gym.  I worked out with a personal trainer two times a week (mostly b/c I am lazy and need structure and someone to jump my ass occasionally and hold me accountable).

What I need on my fridge sometimes

Anyway, it took me about 4 months to lose 30 lbs.  I went from a size 12 to a size 4 (okay, sometimes I am a size 6 depending on the brand).  Whenever anyone asks me how I did it, I usually let them know they won't like my answer.  They won't like it b/c it's hard.  I still think it's hard.  Mainly, I started doing cardio.  I hated cardio but the weight literally melted away when I got serious with doing cardio at least 45 minutes a day, five days a week.  When I first started running and/or using the elliptical, I could barely go .25 mile without feeling like I was going to die and my heart was going to explode out of my chest while my legs collapsed underneath me.  Now, I run an average of 20-25 miles every week and also lift weights twice a week.  I typically work out six days a week.  I still watch my calories but I no longer food log. I keep an eye on my portion sizes and avoid overly cheesy, fatty, high sugar and processed foods.  I still indulge in pizza, burgers and the like but very rarely.  My biggest vice is wine and beer but I try to limit alcohol to Saturday night only (though I don't always succeed).  No one really likes hearing what all it took but it's the truth.  Sometimes I don't like hearing it either.
Let's be honest.  This glass is so true.

I do allow myself to sometimes go hog wild but only on vacation and even then I still try to squeeze in a few workouts.  Actually, I get anxious if I go for more than 3 or 4 days without a good 4 or 5 mile run. However, earlier this year, I started slipping and getting kind of lazy about my diet and exercise.  By mid-summer, I could no longer avoid the fact that my clothes were getting tight again.  After having to buy a whole new wardrobe (you can't really take in clothes from a size 12 to a 4), I had given all my old "fat clothes" to charity as motivation to keep the weight off.  So, I knew it was time to check the scale and pay the piper.  I had gained back 10 of my 30 lbs.  Devastation.  So, I started upping my game.  Increased my running, cut calories, food logged again.  I will say that it's been a good thing and my running has vastly improved over the last 4 months. I can go longer, faster and feel stronger than ever before.

Back to my goal weight (just under 125 lbs - yippee!)
My goal was to lose the 10 lbs by the time I leave for Jamaica (tomorrow).  Happy to say that I weighed in this Saturday at the gym and was at my goal weight.  Woo-hoo!  So, it's now time to celebrate with some Red Stripe Lights and a few Rum & Diet Cokes this week while visiting Jamaica.  I figure that can't be any worse than pigging out on a Thanksgiving meal and leftovers all week.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there.

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