Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 Resolutions

A new year so I guess it's time for a few resolutions.  I try not to get too fancy with them so I don't set myself up for failure.

1.  Maintain weight.  Always a struggle for me because of how much I love food, wine and beer.  I prefer to keep myself to b/w 120 and 125 lbs and that's a comfortable weight for me and keeps in a size 4 to a size 6 pants.  I pretty much have to starve myself to get thinner than that and it's not worth it.  Following the holidays, I am hovering around 127 so I need to get back on the program and start running and working out hardcore again.

2. Eat Vegetarian One Day a Week.  I love vegetarian food but will never, ever become a full blown vegetarian or even a pescatarian.  I love meat too much.  There is something about a well-cooked, aged steak or some slowly braised short ribs that I will never be able to give up.  Not to mention barbeque.  Going to a BBQ joint and only having veggie sides is worse than decaf coffee.  What's the point?  That being said, I would like to incorporate at least one 100% vegetarian day into my meal rotation at least once a week.

3. Learn to Make Jewelry.  I try to learn at least one new thing a year and become at least mildly decent at it.  A few years ago it was learning French.  Can't even recall what I wanted to do last year. Whatever it was, I guess I didn't do it.  Anyway, I started collecting sea glass during my trips to the beach and now have a rather large jar of it.  I have some ideas to turn some pieces into some cute, nautical themed necklaces, bracelets and earrings but I don't know the first thing about making jewelry or what tools I will need.  Looks like I will be spending some time at Hobby Lobby with the other weirdo scrapbookers for a few weekends.

4. Grow a Small Vegetable Garden.  This has been on my to-do list for awhile.  I have plenty of space in our backyard to plot out a small box area for a vegetable garden.  Mostly, I would like to grow some tomatoes, peppers and maybe some squash or carrots.  I usually wait too late in the season to start this task and by the time it's summer, my excuse is that it's too hot to do it.  I also have a brown thumb so it may end up becoming that "boxed area of dead things and weeds" within a few months.

5.  Run a 10-K.  I have run several 5Ks with no issue.  I typically run 4 to 5 miles a day, 5 days a week.  So, I think I could do a 10-K without too much issue.  It's just a matter of getting off my butt and going to do one sometime.

Go me!

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