Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Houston, Texas

Houston, Ya'll

Not a very exciting trip but it's always nice to get out of Dallas for a few days.  Heading to Houston tomorrow afternoon  for an all-day conference on Thursday (legal stuff -- yes, I know, BOR-ing).  Thursday night my husband flies in and we're moving to the Hotel Zaza in the museum district for 3 nights.  Not much planned - sleeping in, going for morning runs, a massage at the hotel spa, some nice dinners downtown and some sightseeing.  Will likely hit the Art Museum across the street and maybe the zoo which is down the street.  We plan to have dinner at Brennan's one night and at a more "hip" place called Underbelly on Saturday night.
Brennan's Houston - why not?

 Should be fun but not nearly as fun as next month's trip -- 5 days in Jamaica over Thanksgiving! That can't come soon enough.  Oh well, I haven't been to Houston in over 10 years.  Last time I was there we only drove through Houston on our way to Galveston for a friend's wedding and I remember it was pouring rain and miserable so we just kept going. A few days downtown in a big city, even if it is only Houston, is always right up my alley.  Of course, it's not this:

Paris. Favorite. City. EVER.
Can't have everything, though.

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