Obviously, I love to travel. It's one of my top life priorities and while there is no place in the world I wouldn't visit, there are some places that are higher on my "to do" list than others. I've already got some great trips coming up, including Jamaica over Thanksgiving, another visit to Spain in July 2013 to see the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona and a week in St. Lucia next fall. Below is a list of places on my current travel bucket list.
1. Provence, France
I love France. I have no idea why I am such a Francophile but I just am. Probably b/c I fell in love with the idea of Paris in the 1920's from reading Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Henry Miller. I've been lucky enough to visit Paris three times and each time Paris always manages to surprise me and I fall in love with it all over again. A few years ago, I studied French with a private tutor on a weekly basis for over a year just to improve my French language skills. Maintenant, je parle Francais tres bien! Not really. My restaurant French is excellent but don't ask me about my current views on French politics in French. Provence is high on my list to visit - I am dying to see the little hill towns, smell the lavendar and eat cheese and drink Chateuneuf-du-pape wines at village cafes. Sigh....
2. Greek Isles
I have never been to Greece but the photos of Santorini and Mykonos have me swooning. I love the beautiful white towns perched on cliffs overlooking some of the bluest and deepest water in the Mediterranean. Not to mention calamari, kabobs and Greek food in general.
3. Bali
I know, I know. So predictable after Eat, Pray, Love came out a few years ago. I don't want to go to meet any guru or to find my own Javier Bardem. I just think it looks like an amazing island with stunning beauty and such an interesting culture. Too bad the damn flight to get there is so long.
4. Marrakech, Morocco
Another country I have never been to. In fact, I have never been anywhere in North Africa. We were lucky enough to visit Kenya two years ago for a safari trip and that was amazing so I am dying to visit Africa again. Other than visiting the souks and a hammam, I have no idea what one does in Marrakech. I guess we can go out and see the Sahara desert and do a camel ride. I think maybe I like how exotic Morocco seems with the smell of spices in the air and guys in turbans trying to entice cobras out of their baskets.
5. Transatlantic Crossing on the QM2
What the??? I know what you're thinking. Why in the hell would I be interested in doing this? Because I am weird, dammit. Again, this is the idealist and the romantic in me trying to break out of my crusty veneer. Granted, this is one trip that I probably won't do for awhile. Like, not until I am at least 45 and even then I know we will be the youngest couple on the ship. However, I have some reasons for liking it. (1) You can get to London without jetlag; (2) You have an excuse to go to NYC a few days to shop for clothes you "need" for the crossing; (3) sailing out of NYC harbor into the Atlantic and passing by the Statue of Liberty would be amazing; (4) the QM2 is supposed to be the pinnacle of luxury with private room butlers and incredible food; (5) I like the old school idea of actually getting dressed up for dinner and making dinner an event, which no one does anymore; and (6) being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where no one has the ability to get a hold of you and your cell phone won't work is awesome. I have never been on a cruise. Ever. Cruises don't appeal to me as I like to be on my own schedule and I hate the idea of "here's the port, you have 5 hours to cram in as much as you can and be back on our boat for the buffet dinner where everyone is still in their bathing suits" and your entertainment is the "Let's Go Latin" dance revue hour. Barf. Everyone says this is not a "cruise" but rather this is a "crossing." I like that. I know, weird.
Anyway, this is just the tip of the iceberg for my bucket list. Other places on that list include Bora Bora, Tokyo, Venice, Vienna & Salzburg, Rio during Carnivale, Crete, Washington D.C. (can't believe I haven't been to our nation's capital yet), Quebec City/Montreal, Argentina and Egypt.
So many places, so little time....
So many cool plcaes in the world! I went to Bermuda this past summer and would do anything to go back there tomorrow! I also want to see Alaska and the Grand Canyon! Someday!