Friday, March 22, 2013

So close...

Vacation is getting even closer.  Fortunately, I also have next Friday off (Good Friday) as an office holiday.  I plan to use that day to work out, finish laundry, pack and then get a pedicure and a spray tan.  We have a super early 5:45am flight on Saturday but I should be sitting on a beach in St. John by 2pm.  Can't. Come. Soon. Enough.

Anyway, thought I'd share a few of my favorite designers.  These are what I consider my "splurge" designers.  They're not crazy expensive, like haute couture or anything, but when one dress costs upwards of $300, I buy sparingly and only invest in pieces or items that I truly love.

1.  Trina Turk

I just love her stuff.  She has a boutique in Dallas and I can spend at least an hour in there trying on cute, funky dresses, tops and tunics.  Her clothes have such a retro 1970's mod vibe to them.  I sometimes refer to them as Mrs. Roper but Mrs. Roper only wishes she could look this good.

2. Diane Von Furstenberg

The creator of the iconic "wrap dress."  This is a woman that really knows how women want to dress and look.  She has such great style and panache.  I have to admit that I have actually never found a wrap dress of  DVF that looks good on me b/c my girls always hang out too much for my comfort.  They look amazing on flat-chested girls though.  I do have a few other dresses and blouses that I love, though.

3.  Kate Spade

So girly, so feminine and so fun.  Her new spring collection is to die for.

4.  Vince

Casual, slouchy but still sophisticated.  Love.

Well, I am off to another weekend.  Not much going on except that my mother in law is staying with us and I have a million errands to run.  It's also supposed to be cool and grey all weekend, which makes me long for the Caribbean even more....


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