Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One of "Those" weeks

This morning was one of those mornings that make you want to crawl back in bed.  It doesn't help that I have been swamped at work lately, including 2 early morning meetings at 8:00 am or even EARLIER (which I hate b/c I am NOT a morning person) already this week, having to be on a work call until 8:30 pm last night and having to get too much stuff done in too short a time during the day.  So, I am already stressed and this stupid chest/sinus infection is making me irritable.

When I am like this, I expect sympathy and kindness from my husband.  I got neither this morning so I have proclaimed him to be Captain Asshole today.  I know I usually say nice things about him but today is not one of those days.  Long story short, I have been working a lot and sick.  Not a good combination.  I realized yesterday that today is Admin Professional's Day.  Have I purchased anything?  No.  Did I have time to buy anything yesterday?  No unless I tried to go shopping at 9 pm after my conference call.

My solution?  This morning, I grab a bottle of wine out of our wine cabinet and put it in a wine bag (I always have wine bags, gift bags and cards on the ready) as a gift.  Problem is that my husband gets up this morning and asks why I am taking this bottle of wine and I explained the situation.  He then proceeds to pitch a fit that the wine is too nice and he bought it and doesn't want to give it up.  For reference, this is a bottle from Sigel's he bought a week ago and is probably in the $45 range.  A nice bottle to be sure but it's not a 1975 Mouton Rothschild and has no special meaning or significance. I couldn't take anything else b/c we are out of "everyday" wine (thanks to him, I might add) and all the other bottles in our cabinet were gifts (special meaning) or are even more expensive.  I also reminded him that I have a work event tomorrow which happens to be a wine tasting and I promise to replace the bottle with one of equal or more value and he is having none of it.  He must have this bottle and it's his.  Argument ensues.  I leave said bottle with him, storm out with a few choice words and have no gift.  I now have to scramble on my lunch break to get something and I have a lot of work to do today (though I do have 5 minutes to spare to type of this rant).  I think he's being incredibly selfish.  He thinks I am being unreasonable and unfair.  I am quite certain that I am right.

Bottom line:  Sometimes men suck.

Oh, and to top it off, I spilled my breakfast on one of my favorite skirts this morning and the stain isn't coming out so I think it's ruined.  Love it.  I would solace myself with a drink or two this evening but I can't b/c I have to be at the office by 7:00 am tomorrow for yet another meeting.  Good times.

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