Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Review

Beautiful weather in Texas this week!  Highs in the mid-70's, sunny and beautiful.  Our weekend was a mix of good and bad.  Unfortunately, I came down with a nasty and sudden sinus infection on Friday and have been fighting it all weekend.  My poor nose is all red and cracked from blowing it so much and I pretty much lost my voice on Sunday.  Definitely on the mend today but still not 100%.  I pretty much forced myself to do things this weekend and to get out of bed and enjoy this weather but I definitely didn't get to enjoy it as much as I wanted to!

Just a few scenes from the weekend...

Lunch with my friend on Friday and then stopping back into Christian Dior so she could pick up her new handbag.  Gorgeous bag but too rich for my blood!!!  Maybe when/if I get a bonus later this year....

Dior bag

Fried pickles at Jake's in Uptown on Sunday before the baseball game.  So delicious.  Because I was feeling like crud all weekend, I didn't exercise at all and my diet hasn't been that great.  I hope to be back on my game tomorrow so I can go running again.

Pickles....and ranch

Rangers game on Sunday.  They played the Seattle Mariners and we even got to see a grand slam thanks to Nelly Cruz.  Too bad I couldn't cheer for them b/c my throat was killing me and I had no voice but I clapped a lot.  Perfect weather for a game but I did get a decent sunburn on my neck.

We also planted some flowers in our front yard and my parents took us out to dinner on Saturday night at Matt's El Rancho (Bob Armstrong dip and spinach mushroom enchiladas were awesome) but I didn't take any photos b/c I was feeling so bad.  I wasn't much company that night as I was worn out, feeling terrible and was jacked up on decongestants.  Despite that, it was a great weekend!


  1. Yum, Bob Armstrong dip. I live just blocks away from that place, dangerous!

    1. You're very close to me then. We live in Hollywood Heights.
