Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Things to Cook This Weekend

Watermelon Margarita Popsicles
Lately I've been inspired to do some more cooking and to try out some new recipes.  Of course, where does one go for ideas?  Pinterest, naturally.  Here are a few that I am considering for this weekend since we don't have any plans or obligations...a good time to experiment.

Salmon Mousse with Dill
Salmon Dill Mousse - sounds good for summer. Light and cool.

Homemade Strawberry Lemonade
Peach Upside Down Cake
Peach Upside Down Cake - a nice alternative to Pineapple

I've noticed that I tend to mostly pin desserts, side dishes and cocktails but very few entrees.  Hmmm...something I need to rectify.  I do think this item could be good as an entree or a side depending on the size of the sweet potato:

Chipotle Chicken stuffed sweet potatoes

Okay, one last dessert, though...

Key Lime Poke Cake
What to make, what to make??

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