Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend is over too fast!

Can't believe how quickly the weekend flew by and I already know that this week will go by quickly as well.  Fortunately, it is a short week for me as we leave early Friday morning for NYC.  I've got meetings scheduled every day this week which usually makes it go by fairly quickly.  One meeting is even schedule for 7:00 am this week.  I mean, really?  Who in their right mind schedules a meeting for 7 friggin' a.m.?  Ugh.

It was actually a quiet weekend and we spent most of it laying around the house Saturday and Sunday but had a nice lunch at Mr. Mesero, a Mexican food restaurant in Uptown on Saturday, where we pigged out on margaritas and guacamole and chicken enchiladas.  Not on my diet but oh well.

I think one thing I am looking forward to the most about New York (besides the shopping) is the fact that the high is supposed to be only 80 degrees.  Given that Dallas is supposed to be over 100 degrees while we're gone, it will be like heaven.  Texas summers are brutal.  It reminds me that I am officially ready for fall and cooler weather.  And I think we all know what fall brings with it....

Pumpkin Spice everything

At any rate, I probably won't have much time for posting this week b/c of my work schedule but I hope to have a fun NYC trip report next week.

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