Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Grill - Searing Feature - Test One

Last weekend my husband decided to test the "searing plate" on our new grill.  For those of you that haven't used one before, it's basically a porcelain plate with a grate over it that replaces one of your grill burners and heats up to an ungodly temperature (circa 1200 degrees).  It's supposed to immediately sear your steak to lock in the juice and flavor.  Our google research indicated that your steak should be placed on it for about 20-30 seconds before the quarter turn for the cross hatch and then flipped for an additional 30 seconds and then finished on the regular grill burner for about 5 minutes.  We had mixed results but it was our first time using it so I think that with more practice, it can work really well.

Here are the finished steaks.  As you can see, one steak got a nice cross hatch on it but the other one, not so much.  You really have to get them both right on the mid-section of the plate, which can be tricky b/c it's 1200 friggin' degrees.  In fact, when you start heating up th searing plate, it begins to glow in an unearthly way.  When you open your grill, you would swear that it's about to unleash the Balrog demon that Gandolph fought in first The Lord of the Rings.  You almost want to stand in front of the grill and strike the ground with your staff while shouting "You shall not pass!"

At any rate, the searing plate is going to take some more work and practice.  Both steaks came out a little underdone. 

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