Monday, August 1, 2011

Wasting Away in Margaritaville

Given that we're now on consecutive Day #31 of temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, our weekend beverage choices seem to be on a steady rotation of frozen margaritas, white wine or light beer (aka, domestic swill).  Now, I know that some people believe frozen margaritas are a bastardization of the real deal and I do agree with that.  To my tastebuds there is nothing better than Rick Bayless' simple margarita recipe of high quality silver tequila mixed with freshly squeezed lime juice, a teaspoon of agave nectar and served on the rocks with a bit of salt on the rim.  However, when it's 104 degrees outside, sometimes you just need more damn ice in your drink.

We recently finished building (or I should say, having a team of sweaty construction workers build for us) an outdoor kitchen. It was just finished last Friday afternoon and it's pretty awesome.  My husband is referring to it as his fully operational entertainment area deathstar.  The new kitchen also gives us extra storage and additional electrical outlets, so I gave my spouse the go-ahead to buy a contraption that he's been eyeing for about 3 months now - the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker.

Here it is in all its Margaritaville trademarked glory. Is there anything that Jimmy Buffet won't put his name on these days? You have to hand it to the guy - he does more marketing and branding than Mel Brook's Yogurt character did in Spaceballs The Movie.  It's impressive.

Despite the cheesiness of it, I have to give this product high marks.  It pretty much bitchslaps regular blenders when it comes to creating a frozen alcoholic beverage.  It works differently from your average blender.  You put the ice in the top and put your tequila and lime juice or mixer in the carafe.  Then, you flip a dial to set how many drinks you want it to make (who are you kidding?  Just set it to the highest number) and it shaves the ice, dumps it into the carafe and then blends it to make the perfect margarita or other frozen concoction.  If you decide you want more ice, you can just turn on the shave feature to dump more perfectly shaven ice into the carafe.  It makes the perfect, fluffy frozen margarita with no hint of unprocessed ice chunks that I get with my normal blender and that get stuck in my straw creating a margarita blockage which pisses me off.  So, this product is getting an A+ from me as far as functionality. I'll deduct a point or two for the corny marketing ploy, though.

We found it for sale at Macy's for $299.  Sur la Table used to carry it but seem to have dropped it now.  At any rate, if you like frozen drinks, it's pretty kick-ass in that department.

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