Friday, June 7, 2013

Five on Friday

Another Friday...thank goodness.  Looking forward to a weekend with absolutely no set plans, no appointments and no commitments.  That hasn't happened in a long time!

1.  Dinner with the Hubby.  There is nothing I love more than having a nice, quiet, romantic dinner with the hubby after a long work week.  We have reservations tonight at Boulevardier, a little French bistro, which is located in a really hip part of Dallas called Bishop Arts.  I love to walk around to all the little funky stores and then sit down to a nice dinner with a bottle of red wine, escargot and some roast chicken or steak with frites.

Who could be cuter than this?

2.  Farmers' Markets.  We plan to swing by the Dallas Farmer's Market this Saturday and wander the stalls and see what fresh fruits and veggies are in right now.  I am thinking a tomato mozzarella salad and some fresh Texas peaches may be in my future.

Dallas Farmer's Market

3.  Kendra Scott Jewelry.  If I have time and the inclination, I may run up to the West Village and get some new earrings at the Kendra Scott boutique.  I think I want need something pink....or maybe coral

Come to mama

4.  White Skinny Jeans.  I am on the quest for a new pair of white skinny jeans.  I had an old pair from Banana Republic that fit me perfectly and were my go-to pair.  I have a hard time finding skinny jeans that fit me well b/c I am very petite, have a badonkadonk and I have large calves thanks to running (and I hate when jeans are super, super tight on my calves as they ride up on my calves when I sit down and then I have to tug them back down again when I stand).  Unfortunately, I had to throw out my white skinny jeans last week.  I was wearing them out to dinner and when I got home, "surprise!!!", Aunt Flo had showed up for a visit.  I don't think anyone noticed when I left the restaurant (it was dark in there, thank goodness) but I certainly couldn't wear them in broad daylight - she really showed up.  Stain stick, 2 washes and even bleach couldn't fix them.  I am off this weekend to try Ann Taylor Loft, B. Republic, Diesel and a few other places to see what I can find..
Nice and crisp
Not sure who this chick is on google images when you search "white skinny jeans for women"
but she needs to get over herself

Probably won't go for the distressed look in the middle but not too bad

5.  The Movie, Before Midnight.  I loved Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.  Even though there is no real "action" in these movies, I love the story line and the dialogue is so well written.  I'm not much of one for sappy romantic movies but this story always gets me.  Maybe because it seems so realistic and I think Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have great chemistry.  Well, the last movie in the series is finally out and is showing at The Angelika theater.  Hope to squeeze in the time to see it on Sunday afternoon.  It's been getting phenomenal reviews!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


  1. We are having a much needed date night tonight also. I hope you guys have a great time on yours!

    I'm a new follower :) I would love for you to come visit me at

  2. Hi I am a new follower. I found your blog from the 5 on Friday linkup. I am liking the white skinny jeans as well. Date nights are important to me and hubby as well. We love trying out new restaurants.

    Would love for you to follow my blog
