Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Link Up - Spill About Your Love

Another Link up...why not?

{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband/boyfriend/fiance. 
This is hard to describe.  I guess I would say it was pretty much me dating a series of losers for 1-3 year periods of time.  I was one of those girls that always seemed to have a boyfriend and we would date for a really long time.  However, I definitely had a three-year max rule (sometimes less) even though I didn’t consciously know it at the time.  Generally, right around the two or three year mark, something would click and I just seemed to intuitively know that it wasn’t going to work and I would abruptly end it, often much to the guy’s surprise.  I would then quickly move on to the next relationship.  For me, it usually came down to the guy being (i) immature, (ii) not motivated enough for my liking, and/or (iii) taking me for granted (at least in my opinion).  I would put up with a lot of crap but at the two/three year mark, I just knew it wouldn’t work, the guy wasn’t going to change and I would move on.  Oddly enough, in my senior year of college, I had ended one long relationship and decided that I was done with jumping into another long term relationship and wanted to play the field and/or just be alone.  I did both in spades for the next year and a half.  Then I met my husband and we dated, we broke up (his choice, not mine) and then he came crawling back and that was the end of it. We married 5 years later and we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary last May.

{2} Describe your husband/boyfriend/fiance in one word. How would he describe you in one word?
Steve in one word – loyal.  He can be amazingly fickle sometimes about various things (favorite food, style of clothes, what to do this weekend, etc…) but when it comes to people, he is loyal to a fault.  He would probably describe me as crazy.  Either that or he would say I am tough.  Both would be true.

{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about?
Ugh.  We have these all the time.  We rarely have serious fights where I end up crying or we storm off or say nasty things but we do have nit-picky fights all the time.  We had one last weekend about driving – my driving, to be specific.  I had volunteered to drive to the baseball game so he could relax and have a few beers (I never volunteer to do this so he should have been overflowing with gratitude, right?).  We decided to go eat first elsewhere since ballpark food isn’t exactly healthy.  He then began giving me very explicit directions about exactly how I should get to the restaurant, including sticking his finger in my face as I was driving to indicate where he thought I should turn.  Let’s just say that it didn’t go over very well.  He also didn’t like where I parked and rolled his eyes and made a big sigh about it to indicate he thought I should have kept driving to look for a better spot and at that point I got really p.o.’d.  The “if you want to drive, be my guest or shut the hell up” conversation ensued and we didn’t speak for the first 10 minutes at the restaurant until he apologized.  He is a great apologizer, though.

{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years.
I’d like to say retired and living off the interest of our lottery winnings but I know that won’t be the case. So, in reality, I guess I would like for us to be happy in our jobs, financially secure and living in a fully remodeled home, in good health and still enjoying lots of travel.  Maybe a little one running around the house, though if we do have one, it will most likely be one that we adopt. I don't think biological children are in the cards for us but I suppose nothing is impossible.  Not much else I could want, really.  Well, except for those lottery winnings.

{5} Tell us something about your husband/boyfriend/fiance we wouldn't know from reading your blog.
So many things.  He has a great sense of humor.  He can tie a bow tie really well.  He is a total neat freak and is super fastidious about his laundry and how his t-shirts and underwear are folded (he worked a summer at Old Navy in college where he did nothing but fold clothes).  He can be really lazy sometimes when it comes to doing things around the house and he is the absolute worst handyman in the world.  He is the master of the grill and makes the best steaks, burgers and anything else on the grill.  He loves beer.  A lot.  He gets really annoyed when people show up at fancy restaurants and don’t bother to dress up.  He loves backpacking, camping and the outdoors. He says “Whatever, dude” a lot to indicate when he’s not impressed with something or someone.

{6} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of your husband/boyfriend/fiance, but you did?
Probably a lot of things.  I never thought I would go to the bathroom at home, realize there was no toilet paper and then call him to bring me some but I have.  I also never thought I would blow my nose so hard that the snot flew out at such G-force that it went through the Kleenex and onto his leg but I have done that too (I was sick with a bad cold – sorry!).

1 comment:

  1. YES! The driving! I apparently drive "like a grandma" and Ian has actually been known to lean over from the passengers seat and HONK MY HORN at someone ... oh no he didn't! It drives me insane!

    I love your "where to be in 5 years" answer :)
