Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Workout Routine

I started working out almost 3 years ago and lost 30 lbs doing it (and cleaning up my diet which was pretty shameful at that time).  I've managed to keep the weight off and have never looked back.  For me, the biggest part of it was actually getting into shape.  I, like most women, had yo-yo dieted since I was probably 15 years old but I had never really focused on actually getting in shape and sticking with an exercise regime.  The key has been finding an exercise program that I like and can stick with for the long haul.

Every runner should know...

This is mostly about exercise, which I am religious about.  Food - eh, not so much.  In general, I watch what I eat and drink during the week (Sunday through Thursday), which mostly means grilled or baked/roasted lean proteins like fish or chicken and green veggies or salad on the side with limited carbs.  Friday and Saturday I eat what I want but I rarely go hog wild.  I also make compromises, i.e.,  if I am getting a big 'ol margarita, then I skip the queso.  I don't food log anymore but I did when I was losing weight and when I want to drop lbs I start again.  It just keeps me honest.

Why I run...

Sure, I have my days when I don't feel like working out.  Sometimes I cut myself a break and take a day off, especially if I feel like I am coming down with something or have a mild injury that needs to rest.  Most of the time, I make myself get up off the couch and do it anyway and I almost never regret it (well, except that one time I forced a run on a sore ankle and then it ballooned up like I had hard boiled eggs under my skin).

Eat your lettuce and be sad!

Here is my usual workout routine:
Monday - Treadmill or run outside - 4 to 5 miles
Tuesday - Strength training and plyometrics with personal trainer at gym (1 hour session)
Wednesday - Treadmill or run outside - 4 to 5 miles
Thursday - Strength training and plyometrics with personal trainer at gym (1 hour session)
Friday - Treadmill or run outside - 4 to 5 miles
Saturday - Rest day
Sunday - Either an extra rest day or a nice 4-5 mile walk in the morning

So true!

I love my cardio and running but strength training is a must and I really noticed a difference in my body when I added that into my routine.  As for the strength training, I mix it up a lot.  My favorites are lunges with weights, deadlifts, integrated moves like squats with weighted curls and presses mixed in, jump squats, burpees, planks, loads of pu and I love the TRX.  I do tons of stuff on TRX, including rows, raises, bicep curls, knees to chest, push-ups, etc...  If you've never tried it, just watch a few people on it and give it a whirl.  It's fun and b/c you have to balance yourself on it, it also gives a good core workout.

TRX Training

It's not as bad as it looks.  Hey, Navy Seals so this so that makes you
a bad ass if you do it

Now get out there but just don't be this guy:

this is me

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