Monday, July 29, 2013


Weekend is over much to fast.  We had a pretty low key weekend even though it was actually quite busy.  Friday night was dinner with a work colleague, Saturday was running errands and afternoon/evening bookclub and Sunday was a trip to the mall to get a gift for an upcoming bridal shower, lunch with the hubby, grocery shopping and then prepping my lunches for the week.

The "oops" is because I realized that something was missing over the weekend and it is apparently lost and gone forever.  I have torn up my house and car looking for it to no avail.  My wedding ring.  I can't find it anywhere.
Funny Cry for Help Ecard: All I've learned from my mistakes is that I can't stop repeating them.

It's actually the engagement ring Steve gave me 12 years ago.  I think it fell out of my gym bag somewhere.  I'm positive that's where it last was as I always take my rings off and put them in a side pocket of my gym bag when I work out.  I looked for it there over the weekend and found the plain wedding band but the engagement ring was missing.  I looked in my car in case it fell out there but came up with nothing.  I double checked all the pockets of my shorts, looked all over the house just in case and checked every bag I have used in the past week but still nothing.  I'm not happy that I can't find the ring but I am not beating myself up over it too much either.  The ring wasn't insured but that's because it didn't need to be.  It wasn't very expensive (hey, we were poor when we got married), the diamonds weren't large or of very good quality and let's just say that I put a lot of wear and tear on the thing.  It wasn't a ring that anyone would notice but I am still sentimental about it.  Naturally, Steve is a little annoyed that I lost it but he can't say much given that he lost his wedding ring 2 years ago and went about 6 months without one before he finally purchased a new band.  So, that got me thinking about what ring would I want if I was going to replace it???
Personally, I am not a huge fan of the big round solitaires or the marquis cut.  I do like a square cut, the princess cut and something called a "cushion cut" ring.  I also don't mind gemstones instead of diamonds.  At any rate, here are a few that I like:

I guess now I will just have to save up to buy a new one at some point.  Sigh.....

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