Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday

I'll admit that I have been in a bad mood this week.  Mostly work-related but I have also had trouble sleeping thanks to Steve's snoring so lack of a good night's sleep always makes me testy.  I'm trying to be positive, though, so here are my Five on Fridays.

1. Re-landscaping.  I finally bit the bullet and called a landscaper so we can get our front yard redone.  It looks awful!  We had a beautiful old Dogwood tree that used to bloom wonderfully in the spring and had gorgeous red leaves in the fall.  About 2 years, it started blooming less and less and finally died from old age so we had it removed two months ago and have not replaced it.  Also, it's hard to keep anything alive in TX during the summer months so everything looks dead and wilted and I pretty much gave up in July.  Our old landscaping was bad to begin with so I now ready for some professional help.Love these succulents as edging:

succulents as edging

2.  Smoked jerk chicken.  Summer is drawing to a close so we plan to break out the electric smoker and do a Caribbean themed BBQ this weekend and watch some football.  Making some smoked jerk chicken with pineapple or mango salsa and some blue cheese coleslaw.

3.  Getting my Spain pictures developed and working on my photo albums.  I am finally getting my pictures from Spain developed this weekend from our trip this past July to see the Running of the Bulls and will work up my scrapbook/photo album. I have been such a procrastinator!!

4.  UT Football.  Let us pray that they play better than they did last weekend, which was just embarrassing.

Please don't fail me again like last week

5.  Planning my mom's Xmas gift.  My mom doesn't read this blog (I'm not sure she even knows the internet exists) so I can safely post this here.  My sister and I have agreed to give her a surprise trip to San Diego next year as her Christmas gift.  My mom's half sister and our aunt lives in San Diego and had a baby last year so we thought it would be nice to have a girl's trip out there to see her and spend some time at the beach over Memorial Day weekend.


Have a great weekend!

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